Mary Greeley “We Are Ready” Oncology Campaign
Mary Greeley Medical Center (MGMC) was perfectly positioned in central Iowa to provide quality patient care. MGMC turned to AMPERAGE to reintroduce its brand in its service area and show potential patients that MGMC was ready for them.
Multi-platform Campaign
In addition to overall branding and several service line plans, AMPERAGE created an oncology video series and digital ad suite, including a dedicated landing page for users to access specific oncology information. The multi-platform campaign could be seen on billboards, TV and through digital ads.
A Patient’s Perspective
AMPERAGE collaborated with MGMC staff to identify a real patient, Steven, willing to tell his story. Steven’s story was the focus of the campaign. His testimonial was supported by comments from his care team, as well as a series of educational videos featuring MGMC’s oncology providers and approach to care. Through this humanized approach, potential patients were motivated to learn more about MGMC and how its oncology services would benefit them, their family members and friends.
Outstanding Results
The four-month campaign resulted in 13,837 sessions to the landing page, over 1,000 clicks to watch the video and 250 clicks through to learn more about the service line. The Google search campaign resulted in a 3.92% CTR (industry average is 3.27%).
The Reaction
“The ‘We Are Ready’ campaign helped increase website traffic by 14% and service line web traffic by 20%. We also saw marked increases in Hospital Recall and Hospital Preference on our recent Consumer Perception Survey.”
Director of Marketing and Communications, Mary Greeley Medical Center
September 22, 2020