Public Relations in Fundraising Campaigns
Public Relations can play a large role in fundraising and should be considered in each step of your campaign planning process. Combining PR counsel with your fundraising consulting
Websites Have Just 2 Audiences
Your website has only two audiences: 1) your key target market; and 2) Google. In theory we can all agree to that, but in practice every department, every area of specialization wa
Fundraising Rules 2021
Fundraising Rules Today? Some Things Don’t Change 2020 has certainly been a year for the record books. Everything may feel upside down in our personal and professional lives. For
No Response Doesn’t Mean No
I ran across a letter I received years ago from a two-time applicant for a TV station sales manager job. I saved the letter, because when I give talks about marketing, it’s an ex
Don’t Stop Nonprofit Fundraising
This Is No Time to Slow Down or Stop Nonprofit Fundraising Every crisis creates opportunity. That’s why I believe nonprofit fundraising “asks” should absolutely continue duri
This Blog Was Conceived on 10-20-2020 Content Calendars
In October, prior to Halloween, I was thinking about the first quarter of the year and the blogs I needed to write. A content calendar is not a sexy marketing technique, but it is
Niche Is Netflix’s Secret Sauce
The internet promised great personalization and targeting. Even though the media lived up to the promise, marketers have fallen far from hitting the mark. It seems creating niche-c
Latest News: Facebook Is in Trouble
Facebook is in trouble — or is that just another misleading news report that is circulating on Facebook? “Misinformation is more popular now than in 2016,” the New Yo
Influencer Marketing Is Big Business But Not in Small Markets
Have you paid someone to post about you or say something about your products or services? If not, you may be missing a powerful way to get attention and swing public opinion your w
Top SEO Trends in 2021 for Top Rankings
Everything Changes in SEO What worked in previous years, now is quickly disappearing. Staying on top of the latest SEO trends and updates is a daunting task. Is it worth the effort