How to Brand with Selfies
When I was in Gilbert, Arizona, I noticed a crowd of people gathering around a colorful building and posing in many different people configurations. You’ve probably seen pop-up,
Do Gross Video Techniques Work?
Have you seen the Burger King moldy Whopper video? If not, search for it on YouTube and see it for yourself. Do you think it works? Burger King is trying to demonstrate that they
If You’re a Nonprofit Board Member, Should You Make a Contribution?
In my opinion, the answer is a hard yes. That is a controversial opinion in many nonprofit circles, but I feel it should be a minimum standard of board member participation. When I
Is Direct Mail Dead?
There is no question that direct mail volumes are decreasing year over year. Yet looking at our mail box every day, I wonder. We are receiving more catalogs than ever: It’s true
A Headline You Don’t Want to Read
Here was the headline in my email bucket, “Americans Continue to Rank Advertising Professionals Low in Ethics and Honesty. We needs some public relations, but so do members of co
A Cup of Coffee and a Newspaper
One of my favorite taste treats is a cup of coffee and a glazed doughnut. My second favorite thing with a cup of coffee is a printed newspaper. So when Starbucks said it was going
How We Use the Internet Is Changing
The internet is getting older, and that means how we use it is changing as well. The Norman Nielson Group (NN/g), one of my favorite content providers, replicated a survey to asses
Biggest Mistake of Iowa Caucuses
Many were lambasting the State of Iowa for being late with caucus results. In my opinion, being right is more important than hitting a news deadline (Rick Santorum would agree with
With So Many Voices How Do You Look True on the Internet?
Malcolm Gladwell stated in one of his “Revisionist History” podcasts that he was glad the television networks were going away. He proclaimed that now we have many more voices.
The Best Color Branded Company
When you think of color marketing, many list companies such as John Deere or Target or UPS, but my favorite is a jewelry retailer. It has an imaginative and fun way to brand with c