B2B Sales Model Changes Accelerated
I hate to use this overused line: COVID-19 changed everything. But again and again it is changing how we live, work and play — and especially how we sell. B2B marketing was chang
There’s Good News and Bad News for Newspapers
COVID-19 is big news. From incredible increases in Google searches to TV news ratings, the pandemic is driving high interest in news outlets. For the New York Times, digital subscr
Research and Tomorrow’s World View
This time in our history will seem like A.D. 1. It is a clear demarcation time, like WWII, the Great Depression or, in my home city, the Flood of ’08. It’s when everything seem
True Friends Social Distance
I know we are all getting a little antsy to get out and get together. Let’s take it slow and see if we can take care of ourselves and take care of someone else as well. Some days
You Need a Digital Ecosystem, Not a Digital Siloed-System
Silos do serve a function. In an organization, they create fully dedicated teams working on a particular client or function. Silos can create efficiencies, focus and new skills. Ho
Increasing Your Digital Fundraising Presence in a COVID-19 World
As fundraisers, we tend to be social people. We get to know people over a cup of coffee and attend social events hosted by our volunteers and donors. COVID-19 has put a halt to tho
The Future Will Not Work the Same
I’ve been hearing a lot of people say, “When things get back to normal …” “We’ll do that in the new normal.” “I just want to get back to normal.” As I learned whe
The Most Important Marketing Thing to Remember in a COVID Crisis
This will be a very simple, blog post. The most important marketing thing to remember in a COVID crisis is your audience. By the way, all our audiences have changed. They have not
You’ll Need More Fresh Content in a COVID World
I’ve been consuming pounds and pounds of content during this crisis. And from time to time, it will appear as if some organizations haven’t added any fresh content for years on
In These Changing Times…
We’ve learned a lot of new words during these COVID-19 times. Such as COVID-19 (which stands for corona (CO) virus (VI) disease (D) started in 2019 (19). It is a novel (new) coro