You’ll Need More Fresh Content in a COVID World
I’ve been consuming pounds and pounds of content during this crisis. And from time to time, it will appear as if some organizations haven’t added any fresh content for years on their website or in their social feeds. And it made me wonder: Is fresh content in a crisis even more important? I believe the answer is yes, but I couldn’t find any research to back up my hypothesis.
Interest heightens for news and information during a crisis. And this crisis is a doozy. So with consumption of media sky high, the need for more and new content makes sense.
In normal times, we can see Facebook campaigns drop off when content begins to get stale. Google knows when you last updated your website and other content. The algorithms Google uses rewards fresh, up-to-date content. According to Brandbliss, “Google employs a so-called freshness factor, an algorithm that prioritizes new, frequently updated content over old and outdated web pages. Why? Because nobody likes stale content, and certainly not Google.” So even in non-crisis times there a real SEO/robot reason to have fresh content.
The balance is always how to use the power of frequency against when a message’s effectiveness degrades. We know that you need a frequency of around 10 to 15 to breakthrough clutter, but during a crisis, when people are watching sources for news and information you may only need a frequency of around 5. And you many need more diversity of messaging. You can spread out your messages and run different messages simultaneously, but you are still going to need more content. Lots and lots of fresh content.
Building and Authority Website
The more informative and valuable content you publish (that is industry specific), the greater authority Google grades your website. The specialists win, but if you’re not selling yourself a specialist, then your authority grade diminishes in Google’s eyes.
In 1996, the year we started our advertising and fundraising firm, Bill Gates said that on the internet, “Content is king.” In a crisis, fresh content is kingier.