What Does a Leftover Halloween Candy Basket Teach Us About Content Marketing?
Halloween has passed, and after looking at a bowl of “fun-size” candy bars, I realized this is a perfect metaphor for content marketing.
We need “fun-size” content — smaller, snackable, memorable content that easily fits in our daily life. There is less waste, less outer coating and more of the sweeter treat inside. We also need to be able to scan the content like trick-or-treaters scan a bucket of candy, so we can make a quick selection and head to the next house.
Audiences are hungry for content, and they want to consume it at a faster pace and on smaller and smaller platforms.
- Snackable. The content is designed for quick, easy, on-the-go consumption by people who are looking at smaller mobile screens.
- Scannable. The content needs to be visual. Charts, graphs, boldface, bullets, images. All designed to help the viewer decide to invest precious time.
- Shareable. Do you want to share it with others? Just like a great taste treat, you want to share the bite-size experience with others and move on.
Snackable content is loud and literal. Highly useful. There is a sweet satisfying feeling after ingesting.
How do you provide the snackable approach for a longer brochure or white paper? Think of each paragraph or idea as a snackable moment. If the person only reads the first few lines and the last few lines, will they get all they need?
Fun-size all your content no matter the overall length.