Smart Speakers Are in 40 Million Homes
Alexa, what is the biggest trend in marketing? You don’t really need to ask Alexa. The trend taking center stage is voice search.
Voice search is like magic. You ask a speaker to play a song, and it plays your song. You want the lights dimmed? You just ask in the air, and they dim. You want to order sushi from your favorite restaurant? Done and done.
If you are going to join the cohort of people ready to be voice activists, you need to think of your content differently. You need to create content that answers a question or solves a problem. It is estimated that 50% of all searches will be voice searches by the year 2020. So preparing for voice marketing muscle memory is not far off.
This is not like the latest social media craze. This is learning and then optimizing to a new medium. It’s just like taking your message and distilling it down to fewer than eight words for a billboard (including your logo words).
An important thing to know is that people ask queries for voice media differently than they type queries into a phone. Voice queries tend to be longer and ask who, what and where. The voice queries are more conversational and personal. For now, make sure your SEO is optimized and updated and begin thinking about how this voice sea change is going to disrupt the art of search. Google Assistant received 70 percent of queries in natural language, just like users would ask a question of a person.
That means your content should be more personal and conversational.