Event Sponsorships Can Be Tasty
For most, an event sponsorship means you will get lost in a sea of logos or a laundry list of names. Having your name slapped on a poster, banner or brochure cover are not enough.
Today, event sponsorships need to be strategized just like a media buy. Sure, some sponorships are just contributions, but it time to optimize your investment. At a minimum you need to negotiate how you will presented as a sponsor of the organization.
I attended the Go Red for Women event in Cedar Rapids and I saw an event sponsor that got all the best flavor for this new era of sponsorships. Meth-Wick Community had a prominent position at every place setting. And even though some people ate the sponosorship logo, it was real positive engagement with nearly every person who attended. Best of all you could clearly read the logo and name. No confusion.
An event sponsorship is an investment, so make sure you optimize your sponsorship investment. Treat you sponsorship like a marketing media buy.