Speak the Language of Your Customer, Donor or Patient
How do you build trust, empathy and familiarity in the digital world? You start with one simple premise: Speak the customer’s language. Yet, convoluted, jargon-filled industry language continues to be a problem on the internet.
According to the Norman Nielsen Group, user experience professionals (that’s all of us who offer ideas about websites, digital ads or landing pages) “should never assume that our own interpretations and understanding of words or objects match those of our users.” In fact, the nn/g group has a t-shirt with the following simple reminder:
If people cannot understand the word on your website (jargon, products names with register symbol, acronyms) they will feel like your don’t understand the user and go elsewhere for the information they want or need.
What is preventing us all from using simple copy that is easy to understand that does not send you searching for definitions? Simple and clear copy leads to familiarity and trust. The next time you are reading product copy or a website that is written more for the company than the user, remember nn/g’s t-shirt and move to a company or organization that is smart enough to make the writing understandable.