How Can We All Be More Like Voice Assistants?
In a study by Accenture Interactive, 62% “love their voice assistant so much they wish it were a real person.” Think about the implications of that fact: AI-based apps are mo
This is the Year of Omnichannel
We all wish marketing was simple. I’m asked again and again, “What is the one thing that will make our marketing more successful?” In today’s fragmented media world, there
Which Media Do You Trust?
In spite of the rapid growth in digital advertising, people still say traditional media influences them the most. In a recent surveys by Clutch and Marketing Charts (December 2017)
Tax Changes and Giving Trends to Watch in 2018
Much has been written about recent changes to the tax code and how they could affect philanthropy. Many forecast decreases, sometimes in the billions, for charitable giving. There
The Year of Purple
The executive director of the Pantone Color Institute states that we are “living in a time that requires inventiveness and imagination.” And that is why the color Ultra Violet
We All Have a Dream on this Day
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I read Dr. King’s speech and I was struck by the simple construction and complex pacing. It is a work of art. Dr. King was a master at commun