Offline Word of Mouth Still King
“Hey, do you like your Samsung?” That was a question I was asked at a restaurant. That conversation is incredibly important in the social media, internet-connected age. And new research by Engagement Labs says that we can’t rely on online conversations alone.
Their research shows that word-of-mouth conversations drive 13% of consumer sales. That is twice the sales impact of online.
While there has been large growth in online brand conversations among all ages, face-to-face conversations hold steady from year to year. However, one of the biggest trends is people talking offline about what they see online. That has continually grown from 11% in January 2008 to 26.4% in 2015.
The top categories online and offline are: 1) Sports, 2) Media, 3) Personal Care and Beauty, 4) Retail/Apparel, and 5) Children’s Products. The list also includes health, auto and dining.
Many have predicted that word-of-mouth advertising is a lost art and a lost medium to us. But today, it is still king of the conversation about brands.