Flying Around the Web, then You Need a Landing Page
Landing pages in the pay-per-click (PPC) world are key to conversion success. Many organizations don’t like to have multiple landing pages, but the secret is in targeting the landing pages to specific audiences and PPC offers.
Your website is probably fine for most of the people who stop there. But for people who are responding to a specific offer, they are looking for a direct connection (or a visual offer-to-landing-page link) between the offer they just clicked and the page they landed on. Google is also looking for that linkage and indicates that linkage in the Quality Score you receive.
Creating landing pages allows you to:
- Match the look and feel of the PPC ads
- Improve user experience by simplifying the clickable areas and navigation
- Offer more conversions opportunities, from video to white papers
- Offer micro-conversions for people who need more information before sharing their email and other data
- Collect data in one click
Landing pages can be ultra-optimized for smartphones, so they provide a better overall experience than your home page ever could. The final advantage is that you can easily change your landing page if you are not seeing the conversions you were expecting. Changing a landing page is easier to do than making changes to your website.
You are clear to land.