The Modern Family
Last night, I heard several news talk-show hosts talk about “working families.” And that made me wonder, what is a “working” family? And even more importantly, what is “family” today from a marketing perspective?
Two out of every 5 households do not fit the traditional family picture. That is from a report called “Family Diversity Is the Norm” by BabyCenter and YouGov. How we depict the “family” in advertising can say a lot about us as companies and organizations: 80% of the parents surveyed said they like seeing diverse families in marketing materials. Two out of 3 parents say a brand that realistically reflects parenting today is an important factor in their purchasing decisions.
I stumbled on an article in Adweek with some good facts that need sharing:
- 52% of moms say they pay more attention to advertising that features real moms (not actors or models)
- 66% of parents say a brand that respects all types of families is an important factor in their purchasing decisions
- 80% of parents say they like seeing diverse families in advertising
- 70% of Millennial parents chose not to purchase something because they didn’t believe in what the company stands for
The family is changing and more importantly our perceptions of “family” are changing. Knowing all this, what would Norman Rockwell paint today?