Engaging Customers is Changing for Marketing and Sales
According to a study by the CMO Council and Pegasystems, marketing is changing with the times: the customer experience has so many more expectations than what typical sales and marketing provided in the past.
Nearly half of the B2B companies surveyed said that marketing has had to be more closely aligned with sales, service and support to truly connect with customer expectations. The big idea is being replaced with the big approach to micro-moments of customer contact. Messaging is still critical, but it needs to fit the customer, the medium and the brand.
Today, a 360-degree approach with customer journey mapping is key to engaging and selling to customers.
Nearly 30 percent of markers said that customers are more selective about which channels they want to use to engage with companies. That selectivity is leading to more personalization of messaging—the medium and message must work in tandem.
Customers want more relevant, personalized experiences. Even though it is easier to connect, the cluttered and confused marketplace is actually making the transmission harder and full of noise. Only 3 percent of the businesses report they were proficient at using all the engagement tools and meeting customer experiences.
The omni-channel world is upon us all.