Email Open Rates Lowest During Highest Emailing Times
We all get too many emails. That is a fact all of us deal with: Inbox clutter is real and growing. An annual report by MailerMailer (Email Marketing Metrics Report) analyzes data from more than 1 billion opt-in newsletters to see what trends in email timing for open and clicks. The chart is from MarketingCharts.com of MailerMailer’s results (H1 first half of year; H2 second half of year). Here are a few highlights:
- The largest open rates occur in the first 5 hours after an email was sent
- Inbox clutter occurs most during traditional work hours
- Open rates are climbing, but click rates are declining
- Open rates are higher in the evening, but this may be due to lower volume of emails at that time
- Short email subject lines did not pull more than longer subject lines (this may be due to smartphones showing more of the subject lines than in the past)