How to Optimize Your YouTube Titles
One of the most important parts of YouTube is not the video: Titles, descriptions and tags are critically important to having your video found on YouTube.
The title of your YouTube video is probably the single most important SEO factor. However, most titles are not considered from the searcher’s perspective.
Every YouTube video title should include relevant keywords to ensure high rankings in Google, as well as searches in the YouTube universe. YouTube has a 100-character limit, but most suggest a shorter, 70-character as a maximum length guideline (Google adds the word “YouTube” to the end of your title, so 70 characters should be the absolute max.
According to many YouTube consultants, the first words of the title are critically important. For example, the title of a YouTube video for a hospital might read:
St. Mark’s Hospital in Idaho offers new skin cancer treatment for young and old
Optimized for YouTube:
Skin cancer breakthrough Sammy surgery now at St. Mark’s Hospital Idaho
It’s a subtle alignment change, but the key words (the words people are likely to search) go first in the title, followed by the specific treatment and then the hospital name and location. This alignment optimizes for search robots and searching people.