What Is the Real Difference Between Millennials, Gen X and Boomers?
So much has been written about the Boomers, Millennials and Gen Xers. But if you really want to see the generational differences, look at their device usage.
AdWeek featured a data point infographic (Source: Millward Brown, Getting Audiences Right, 2015) on generations. The differences and similarities are fascinating.
Millennials prefer Apple products, but are still buying Android devices:
- Android smartphones: Millennials 54%; Gen Xers 55%; Boomers 50%
- iPhones: Millennials 53%; Gen Xers 38%; Boomers 24%
- Tablets: Millennials 20%; Gen Xers 31%; Boomers 37%
- iPads: Millennials 33%; Gen Xers 28%; Boomers 21%
Entertainment consumption seems to fit what you already believe: Boomers lead in Network TV, Cable TV and DVR usage. Millennials lead in Netflix, Youtube and Amazon Prime video. GenXers are in the middle of all the rankings.
One obvious difference is that Millennials are more likely to buy things via smartphone; Boomers use laptops; and tablet users are more likely to be by Gen Xers and Millennials.
You can make broad generalizations about each demo, but even though one demo leads in one category, there were plenty of users from other demos in these areas as well. As much as we are different, we are also the same.